Some Things We Didn't Understand When We Were Younger
There are a few things that we didn't understand when we were younger and many of them remain true as adults. One thing I believe is important to remember is the fact that a healthy mind + body can help us live better lives, whereas a sick mind + body can make it harder for us to get out of bed in the morning and enjoy life. The good news is that there's no reason for us to be so anxious, sad, or depressed. If we have control over our minds, it's possible that the only way to feel truly happy is if our thoughts are positive. Otherwise, we can't even say we're happy without feeling negative emotions.
So what's wrong with your brain?
I'm sorry to break it to you but some people have this problem called "brittle" (or something like that), which means they're very sensitive to external influences and may go through major changes that disrupt their lives. This includes getting divorced, losing a job, and experiencing heartbreak. They also tend to be more emotional and prone to depression. These things happen because they don't have control over themselves — they have no free will — but if we're not careful, they'll just carry on doing as they always do until they finally have to face the reality of the situation. Unfortunately, most people are born under a rock… I mean, nobody really knows what happens inside an egg when fertilised, let alone how it affects the whole life of an individual. However, there is some evidence from scientific studies suggesting that our brains are hard wired to react against situations. Our brains actually use these negative experiences to help us grow stronger immune systems, cope with stressful events in our lives, and learn how to deal with stressful times. In other words, negative memories can alter our behaviour and encourage us to start focusing on what we can't control, rather than worrying about something we can change.
This is something we should try to avoid at all costs. By being aware of the dangers associated with ignoring our intuition and constantly trying to force ourselves to do certain tasks, we end up creating a lot of negative feelings in the long term. For example, if you want to lose weight, then you're going to hate yourself. You're going to find a lot of reasons why you shouldn't want to be skinny and you're going to find lots of reasons why you should eat less and don't want to exercise. You're probably going to think that you're not good enough, you're too fat, you look unattractive, you have a terrible personality and you don't like being around people who are skinny. There is a lot of truth in all of these things, but what makes us feel unpretty and unhappy is mostly brought about by our own internalised attitudes. Your mind is a powerful tool. It works hard and doesn't let us down because it wants to remind us of our inadequacies as well as our limits. However, you have to realise that there's no right or wrong answer here; there is no solution to any negative thought that seems to pop into your head without warning. And, for anyone asking me why they think they should eat less meat and watch movies instead of reading books, the simple answer is that it gives them a greater sense of control over their lives to cut back meat, enjoy popcorn instead of watching shows, and watch movies instead of reading books. That's what it's all about. Negative thinking always works.
We've got to stop believing it for real.
Don't allow these negative perceptions to control your behaviour. Just like we get ill when we visit the doctor or go into the supermarket after suffering a minor cold. We all know what it feels like and our bodies tell us to ignore whatever's happening right now and keep reminding us of how awful we look and how much time was spent in front of that mirror. But why do we still insist on taking that pill, having two glasses of wine, and eating chocolate while we're watching TV? Why do we have to worry about how things are going to turn out when we aren't in the mood to focus on what's wrong in our lives? Stop making excuses and start choosing what YOU want to do... and then live your best life.
How To Get Better At Self-Care
If you want to improve your self-confidence, you’ve got to work on you the first place. Confidence helps you attract the right kind of attention, it allows you to take decisions and act in ways that you believe are the best for you. It’s crucial to see yourself as someone worth believing in. No matter what you do to improve yourself, you’re not looking like a bad person just because we only see the negatives in our behaviours. We need to love ourselves more than we hate ourselves so we can attract the people, experiences, opportunities, things, and people that we love. This comes from within — if we see ourselves as a flawed human being and refuse to see anything beautiful or worthy about us, then we won't attract the people and activities, things, and people that make us look good.
So stop hating yourself! Instead of allowing your insecurities to control your actions, start valuing yourself regularly and realise that you deserve love, success, and happiness. Then stop expecting others to treat you right because some people might not be willing to listen to your advice. Start embracing those things that will bring you joy, love, and energy! Look forward rather than hoping someone or something else can make you happy. Take a deep breath and notice the little habits in your day. Notice how often you do them and if they seem like they could make a difference to you. Once you start noticing these patterns, don’t underestimate the power of small changes. Eventually, you'll start to build consistency and patience. Practice self-love and respect yourself. Don't let yourself go. Change your mindset so that you accept yourself as the wonderful person that we are. Acknowledge your strengths and what you are capable of doing... instead of letting them deter your progress. We can either choose to give up, or we can choose to strive to improve... each choice has its pros and cons, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from them.